Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blissful Purging Peeling

Tearing the meaning in two like my heart,
Then pushing together pieces apart.
Melting the moments frozen by time,
Pooling the memories forming a line.

Blissful wind carrying my soul like a stone,
Purging the feeling of breathing alone,
Peeling the skin from between my whole halves,
Hidden away inside thinly veiled laughs.

Pushing me out again,
Pulling me in and then,
Saying I’m worthy of
Your gift of empty love.

Sending me off to rot,
Carving me out a spot,
Burning my blisters clean,
Holding me in between.

Languidly laying beneath the love,
Offered to you as you offer a shrug.
Tonguing the sours that you’ve left behind,
Licking clean wounds perforated by time.

Equating the distance between you and I,
Compounding the listless feeling of why.
Adding the purpose I hoped you would bring,
Subtracting the union by subtracting the ring.